Tuesday, August 7, 2007

she's back!

Why is coming home so hard? Since returning from Burundi I have shared my struggles of living an American life again with many friends and family and I have found that I am far from alone in my struggles. What is it about America, about the West that is so difficult for me to navigate once I have been immersed in developing world Africa? The answer: almost everything. It is strange and unsettling to be in a world that doesn't look ANYTHING like the world I was just living in. Values are different, climate is different, language is different...it's like I'm trying to figure out how to be "me" in both worlds, and I'm not sure if I am myself in this awkward time of transition. But I am so thankful for all my friends and family that have been supportive and continue loving me through all my weirdness. It gets better day by day.

When I was first preparing to come home, I was trying to ready myself for culture shock so it wouldn't hold me back or push me down when I arrived home. Little did I realize that the more I pretended to be fine with being home, the more numb I became to the experiences I had, and that was a scary realization. I know now that it is healthy for me to mourn the things I have seen, the people I have left behind, and integrate those experiences into who I have become, and who I will be.

I am incredibly blessed with a supportive church family and a community of friends who understand my heart and my vision. I don't think I could move forward without all these people in my life, cheering me on. It is with their help that we are welcoming Freddy Tuyizere and Simon Guillebaud this September to speak to us about Burundi, war and the power of Jesus in Africa and the world. I will let you know more specific details as the dates approach.

I wanted to let everyone know that I am currently applying for a grad school program in Theology and Development at the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. I see this as the next step towards realizing my dreams and goals for sustainable development work in Africa. Please pray with me for wisdom and guidance as I move forward with this process.

Also, thank you for your support through purchasing Burundian coffee and handmade cards! What do we think about having Burundian OR fair trade coffee every Sunday after church? A good idea, I think...


Cori said...

Jenny E (the one that called you Chrystal! - from the Sheffield team in Febraury) and Cori (from South Africa) are together in Pretoria at the moment reading your blog!

Jenny is most likely going to be in Pietermaritzburg from November, this year... Do you plan to study at the UKZN full time?? Let us know so we can all connect!


Ron said...

Christine, I am an artist missionary in France (origin American) wanting to know how I could further reserach the YFC center in Burundi and contact with Martin mentioned in an 07 blog. My family is looking for a well run orphanage -farm to help, maybe make visits to. Please reply: artworksfrance@yahoo.com Thanks Ron Regnier