Sunday, January 7, 2007

32 hours

It is late in the evening, I am mostly packed, and I will be on my way to Burundi and life in Africa in a few short hours. I will travel for over 32 hours before arriving in Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi. Thankfully I fall asleep with ease on planes and in airports. I'll have Barack Obama's new book to keep me occupied in addition to practicing my french, and I will have much needed time to pray over the 5 months ahead of me. I can't believe this day has come! There are many emotions in my heart and thoughts on my mind. I feel I have been waiting so long for this, but I find that my heart aches to leave a community that has loved and nutured me so well, a community that has made me the person I am. I am not sure how I will love two worlds at once, but I can hope to learn.

My churches: both Winnetka Covenant and Reba Place Fellowship have made this a possibility. The support I have received spiritually, emotionally and financially have encouraged and empowered me to go out with the blessing of my church family. I am thankful for your prayers, support and astounding generosity. I am humbled, but also feel this is an affirmation of my call to Africa. Thank you for taking this journey with me! And this is only the beginning...


Unknown said...

hey I will be looking forward to your stories. Be safe, dont get to crazy over there. I am so jealous that sounds like an awesome time...and a great time to grow in Christ. Anyway, my prayers are with you take care..I will seeya in 6 months.

big-poppa-southpaw said...

Good Luck Tini! Don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)!

Fred Sasaki said...

Happy landing, Christine. You have our thoughts and best wishes. Break a leg.

Fred & Jen

pete hawkinson said...

our love and prayers are with you, Christine, and Christ is smiling!

Unknown said...

I am thinking of you and miss you incredibly. I miss walking and talking with you, and your laughter...
Anyway, I pray for your joy. I want to know how you are doing if you ever get time or internet access. I hope you know that you have touched my life in a way that cannot be undone, so you're pretty much stuck with my friendship. I love you lots and lots.
PS - I am going to try to convince Krystal to name the baby Arianne Merle Hamilton. :)

Cori said...

HI Christine! Just saying hi from Annette, Jacomien and Cori in Rwanda - still thinking of and praying for you!

mary g said...

Hi Christine! We have been holding our breath ever since you left for Burundi (for months now!). We appreciate the frequent updates from your mom at choir, and are amazed at all that you are accomplishing. You writing is amazing (what a gift) You are also a gift to the world. Take care! We heard you might also travel to Nairobi. We look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you come to WCC. Dan, Dawn and I hold you in our thoughts and prayers ALWAYS! Love, Mary Gingrich